The research group Onto-Med (Ontologies in Medicine) was founded in 2002. It is based on a cooperation since 1998 with the research group Formal Concepts under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Heinrich Herre at the Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig.
Introduction and Workscope
Research in ontology is increasingly gaining importance for knowledge modeling, the semantic foundation of knowledge representation and for the development of meta-models in the area of practical applications. For the foundation of that modern research field, it is relevant to elaborate common scientific principles and methods which are intrinsic to current tools, methodologies and applications. In this connection problems regarding the following topics are of particular interest: the conceptualization of knowledge, descriptive metaphysics, semantics of natural language, and applications in the field of medicine.

Our goals in the research group Onto-Med are:
- basic research in formal ontology
- formal tools for ontology building
- medical domain ontologies
- computer-based applications
These goals result in a tripartition of our research into the following areas:
The theoretical research is devoted to the development, the analysis and the axiomatization of general basic ontologies (top-level ontologies) and their integration into a unified system. Such a reference system of top-level ontologies is the foundation for a formal framework which supports the construction and the representation of generic and domain-specific ontologies.
Research in the area of concepts is directed at
- the development of formal tools and methods supporting the construction and representation of ontologies,
- the building of a general framework for ontological and conceptual modeling,
- the construction of generic and domain-specific ontologies in the areas of medicine and the biomedical sciences.
We are developing diverse software tools for managing guideline-based treatment in the medical domain with the goal to ensure quality in health care. These software tools will be available over the internet for different groups of medical experts from the medical practitioner to experts in university hospitals.
You can find further information about our research group on our homepage.
Leader of the Project Group
Universität Leipzig
Institut für Medizinische Informatik, Statistik und Epidemiologie
Härtelstraße 16-18
Universität Leipzig
Institut für Medizinische Informatik, Statistik und Epidemiologie
Härtelstraße 16-18
Research Assistants
Student Assistants & Graduands
- Development of a Formal Framework for Ontological and Conceptual Modeling
- GFO: Development of a top-level ontology
- GFO-Bio: Development of a biomedical core ontology
- BIOPASS: Image-, ontology- and process-based assistance for minimally invasive endoscopic surgery
- BOWiki: Ontological tool for biomedicine
- MediGRID: Combining Resources for Medicine and Life Sciences (Module "Ontologies")
- Onto-Builder: Software-Tool for the development of data dictionaries
- OntoMedRisk: Development of an ontology-based software solution for minimisation of perioperative risk
- OntoPMS: Development of an ontology-based risk identification software for observing marketed medical products (Post Market Surveillance, PMS) by evaluation of databases of producers and authorities and of internet sources
- OntoVigilance: Development of an ontology-based vigilance software for provision of technical services for continuous improvement of medical products
- SimpleAnno: Development of a middleware for ontology- and text-mining-based simplification of annotating and searching digital medical content, prototyped for dentistry