The IMISE is an interdisciplinary institute of the Medical Faculty and is in close co-operation with the faculty for Mathematics and Computer sciences, thus connecting medicine with informatics.
In the following sections the IMISE's areas of research and projects are presented. These can be regrouped into:
- Medical Informatics
- Medical informatics is concerned with the theoretical and practical aspects of data processing and provision of medical information. Its goal is to guarantee a high quality of health care in hospitals and outpatient clinics.
- Clinical Trials
- Clinical trials are concerned with the systematic evaluation of a therapeutic or diagnostic procedure. During the preparation, execution and analysis of clinical trials and studies, a multiplicity of mathematical and computorial procedures are required.
- Biometry, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- The evaluation of biological and medical data, leading to the creation of biometric models is important to the understanding of biological processes and to predicting the course of disease.