The main objective is a constitute understanding how a systematic information management can make a contribution to health care. We want to develop methods and tools which shall support information managers in their job.
The term information management of an institution or of a whole region - not only in health care - covers the entire system which storage, transport and processing information of the involved mechanical as well as human actors. Instead of talking about management of these information systems one can also talk about information management of this institution or region.
Information management needs a specification of the information system, that should be planned, controlled and monitored. Further an information manager, e.g. in the hospital, needs comprehensible methods of the information management, e.g. for the long-term frame planning, for the execution of the projects for the further development of the information system and for the operation of the information system.
Our objective is to get an integrated knowledge what systematic information management in healthcare means. We want to make available concrete methods and computerized tools for information manager in health care to allow efficiently information logistics. We are aware, that we contribute medical science and healthcare by the development of methods and tools up to the personal relationship between lusty and sick people on the one hand and the doctor on the other hand. We take share of the responsibility for health in the society and we want to do justice to this responsibility by active participation on the development of correspondent ethical guidelines.
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